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8 Easy Drinking Dames to play on Holiday

Here are 8 drinking games what you can play on holiday. The games I have picked are easy to learn and require almost nothing to play them with, making them the perfect games to play on your holidays.

Ring of fire

Place a cup in the middle of the table. Around the cup spread out a full deck of cards to form a circle. Each card has a rule to follow which makes the game fun. The game ends when the last king card is drawn and the person who picked it has to drink the middle drink. Below is a list of what each cards represent.

Beer pong

This games requires 20 plastic cups and 2 ping pong balls. If you do not have ping pong balls bottle caps can be a substitute for this game. On each side of the table set the cups in a pyramid shape with in a 4-3-2-1 formation. Begin to fill the cups up with any alcohol of your choosing. In teams of 2 players take turns throwing the ping pong balls into the opposing teams cups. If you manage to get it into a cup the opposing team has to down the contents of it and remove it from the table. You win the game by getting the ping pong ball in every cup.

Ping pang pong

Play starts at one person in your group. First person says PING, next says PANG, third says PONG and continues is a clockwise motion around your group. On PONG and only PONG the game jumps to whoever the person saying PONG points to, and they start with PING again. Usually the players who say PING and PANG also point to people to try and catch them out. It all has to be done very quickly and people make lots of mistakes and have to drink forfeits.

Never have I ever

This is a popular game amongst many people as it so simple to play and requires no additional items. Everyone has to be holding a drink and everyone takes turns in asking the group questions. Everyone has 5 lives and the object of the game is to get rid of your lives the quickest you must start all questions with ‘never have I ever’ then add your question. For example I could ask ‘never have I ever got drunk’. Every who has done the question asked has to drink and takes one life away.

Most likely

Again another simple game requiring no additional stuff. Everyone who is playing must have a drink. You begin by asking questions starting with ‘most likely’. For example you could ask ‘most likely person to get drunk the quickest’. After a count of 3 everyone points to the person they think the statement applies to. The person with the most people pointing at them has to drink. In event of a tie both people drink.

Ride the bus

This game requires a pack of cards and 2 people. One person is the card flipper and the other is the person who rides the bus. The object of the game is to predict the colour of the card 3 times in a row which allows you to get off the bus and swap places with the card flipper. For every guess you get wrong you have a take a sip of your drink.

The paranoid game

One of my personal favorites is the paranoid game. Everyone sits in a circle and whoever’s turn it is whispers a question to the person sitting next to them so only they can hear. The question’s answer must be a person in the room, excluding the person who is asked and the asker. The person answers the name out loud and too find out what was the question the person named has to take a drink/shot to find out. The person who just answered asks the next person a question. For example I could ask ‘which person do you fancy the most in the room’. They must then shout out the name of the person for the rest of the group to hear.

German boat race

This is a game I played whilst in Holland. You arrange yourself in teams of 4 or more people and stand in a line with each person having a full glass of beer. The object of the game is to drink your drink as quickly as possible then once you have finished the person behind you starts to down their drink. It continues until the last person finished their drink. The winning team is the team what finished their drink the quickest.

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